Friday, June 6, 2008

What a way to melt a momma's heart!:)

I was standing in the dining room this afternoon folding some clothes, and I realized I hadn't seen or heard from *D* or *E* for quite some time. So I sent their sister after them. A few minutes later here comes *D* and *E* both with Bibles tucked under their arms. I said what have you two been up to the last 20 minutes? *D* replies with "I have been teaching a bible study from the book of John to *E* and we got all the way to verse 5"! My heart instantly melted. I have been very thorough about making sure we read from the bible together daily and very thorough about praying that God would instill the love for His Word in all my children and I feel this was a special message from God saying keep up the good work.... *D* has always had a passion for the Word...He even asked his teacher at school once if he could do his homework reading time with his Bible...She agreed of course and that is what he did. What a blessing is it to watch God's hand at work!:)

John 1-5 ( NKJV)
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.


Sue-diddly-udinym said...

Now THAT is a precious moment. Thanks for sharing. And a belated happy anniversary to you guys!

Shelly Campbell said...

Those are the moments that keep you going. Our kids can say a lot of hurtful things, especially if they go through an oblivious "teen" stage, hopefully we can avoid taking that personally and remember the good stuff. I still remember at one point Jeremy saying to me "Mom, I want you to homeschool my children." I know that will probably never happen, Jeremy and Ginny love FCA, but just knowing that he did not feel our 10 years of homeschooling was a bad decision or that I was a failure at it was so encouraging.
You are doing a great job, you will never regret the time you spent showering your children with the Word.

Bupil said...

Thank you Shelly! What a special thing he said to you.:)