Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Grocery Stores-A mother's worst nightmare~~~

Grocery Stores-A mother's worst nightmare!!

Why you ask?!?!?!

Ok, lets think here, What are the daily complaints mothers make?!?!?

1.I spend precious time planning meals, shopping for daily food, prepare the meals, and clean the mess after the meal. Does anyone offer to help? No they have been at work or school all day they need to rest before they can eat!:)Do they think it was no big deal to whip that meal up? Yes, they seem to think we have little fairy's floating around helping mix and pour and wiping the sweat from our brow all the while making sure nothing catches fire!:) Do they mind spilling anything on their shirts? No, because they know the next time they reach into their closet there it will be, good as new.:) Do they offer to help clean up the meals mess? No, because they are so stuffed from that wonderful meal that was so simple to prepare. They also still think our fairy's are there scraping the dried spaghetti sauce off the trash can, and the dried apple sauce from the seats, and wondering who thought it was a good idea to stick their chewed gum to the rim of their cup!:)
2. We move to the bathroom! There is nothing more I'd rather do then to scrub the inside of a toilet!:) Oh wait even better then that is finding out that my son was daydreaming during his last trip to the toilet, otherwise there is no reason I am finding dried crusted pee all over the floor next to the BIG hole he has to aim in!:) I just wonder how it is, we have self flushing toilets yet NO self cleaning ones!Now that would be a handy tool!
3. Finally CLOTHES! Remember those clothes no one seems to care much about when they spill something on them?!?!? Why? Because they know after we spend all that money on them you better bet we will be scrubbing them till our knuckles bleed to make them good as new for the next trip outdoors or the next meal!:) Or my favorite is when it takes me about three cycles in the wash and knuckle bleeding scrubbing to get a stain out, and when I do get it out they put it back on just to have out grown it!!!!!!:):)

So my conclusion is this! It is all the Grocery Stores FAULT!


Well if we didn't spend all that time at the grocery store planning and buying stuff to feed our little angels, then we wouldn't have to get our fairy's together to prepare a meal, hoping no one complains just this once. Then we wouldn't have to eat our meal praying that just this once someone will offer to help clean it. Then we wouldn't have to spend very precious minutes cleaning and scrubbing our toilets because "if you don't put anything in there, there is nothing to come out!":)Then we wouldn't have to wrestle our children to the ground to floss their teeth because they would always be gunk free! We wouldn't have to suffer from bleeding knuckles because we scrubbed a tomato sauce stain out of a brand new shirt, only to have them put it back on and they have OUT GROWN IT!:) Finally we would never have run through those mall madness sales (with our head down and our fists up fighting other moms to get the most for our money all the while pleasing every one's " I have to have this" fits) because every time we turn around their growing from all the wonderful meals we make.

So my theory is this: I absolutely LOVE my job as a mom and would never trade it. I actually love a lot of the things I just mentioned up above especially the meal making and cat fights during mall madness sales...Ok maybe not so much the cat fights...:) But I tell you there are days that I sit back and think WOW,if I just didn't buy food for one week and didn't prepare a single meal how much easier life would be....................LOL

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